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Empire Earth II: The art of supremacy (expansion)

POSTEADO POR omaro domingo, 1 de febrero de 2009

System Requirements

Microsoft Windows 98/Me/2000/XP operating system
NVIDIA® GeForce™ 3 or equivalent DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 64 MB 3D video card with hardware T&L and pixel shader support
1.5 GHz Intel® Pentium® 4 processor or equivalent
256 MB RAM
1.5 GB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files
DirectX 9.0c (included)
DirectXcompatible sound card and speakers or headphones
4X CD-ROM drive
Microsoft compatible mouse and keyboard
Minimum 56K dial-up modem for online play


Microsoft Windows XP
NVIDIA GeForceâ„¢ 4 or DirectX 9.0c-compliant 128 MB 3D video card with hardware T&L and pixel shader support
2.2 GHz Intel Pentium4 or faster processor
512 MB RAM or more
1.5 GB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files
DirectX 9.0c (included)
DirectX-compatible sound card and speakers or headphones
24X or faster CD-ROM drive
Microsoft compatible mouse and keyboard
Broadband/LAN, DSL or faster Internet connection for online play


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